Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Few More Details

Finishing Touches

We started in February with wallpaper removal, then moved on to months of plaster repairs followed by painting and finally decorating. We finished just in the nick of time for our company over the Thanksgiving weekend. Now its time for a well deserved winter of indulgence, sloth and torpidity.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Tired Z

Zoe likes company too but it tires her out. I can't believe she's 10 and a half years old . . . 

"Please drop some have no idea what its like living with two vegetarians..."

Thanksgiving Weekend Part Two

This was Thanksgiving on Sunday:

The weather was warm and the colours reached their peak. These are just a couple from the park across the street.

Rose Marie made the MOST INCREDIBLE fresh rolls. MMMMMmmmmmmmm........

Marlene made yummy peanutty beans

"Seriously? I'm a carnivore and you're holding me over a carved turkey?"

Buffet style around the island then in to the dining room room for grace, a toast, then eating.

Thanksgiving Weekend Part One

We had a lot of company this weekend. We love company. A great time seemed to be had by all.

This was the day before Thanksgiving.

Rose-Marie made apple pie:

We grew these eggplants in our square foot gardens and made super yummy baked eggplant parmesan