Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wedding Photos

This is the second time I've agreed to take photos as a favour to friends. I have no idea why anyone would choose this as a full time career. Its huge amounts of high-stress work. At the same time though its challenging and quite rewarding...

I'm also trying out a new app: Blog Stomp. It let's me arrange photos in collages and resizes everything automatically, ready to blog. I *LOVE* it and I've only been using it for an hour. Thoughts?

Girls getting ready:

The wedding took place at a stunning rural property between Waterloo and Elora:

The beautiful, beautiful Bride:

Saturday, August 6, 2011

At Last . . .

I'm sure Ella was thinking about heirloom tomatoes when she wrote that song. Perhaps I'm projecting. Anyways, the first of my tomatoes have ripened. The sting of last year's total crop failure due to the wretched black walnut trees lining our property was still being felt. However a solution has been found.

These are a staple: Brandywine. Common enough now to be purchased at my local PC grocery store.


Square Foot Gardening

I will never grow vegetable in a traditional rectangular garden again. I've seen the light. SFG's are orders of magnitude more efficient than a regular plot producing far more food, reducing watering and weeds and actually look really great and add structure to a yard. We built twelve this year and plan on doing more next year.

The tomato plants are 7 to 8 feet tall now and loaded with fruit. There are eggplants, nasturtiums, lettuces, zucchini, heirloom beets and about 80 basil plants.

Its hard to get excited about lettuce but this stuff is beautiful and delicious.

YK pt 3

Our friends now have two dogs: 

The divine Ms Sadie:

And their newest edition, Tobie:

So cute!

Friday, August 5, 2011

More YK

Yellowknife is really beautiful. It was great to share it with P this time.

Our hosts: Dan and Lori:

What we've been up to...

I've  never neglected the blog this long. Its been crazy busy since March. Let's get to it:

Just before spring hit, we were inside removing acres of hideous 70's wallpaper:

Some unexpected messages:

Then spring arrived.

I had to go to Edmonton to do a talk:

And since we were so close to Yellowknife, we stopped for a week to visit with friends:

Well after midnight:

A couple walking home: Even in May the lake was still a viable way to get home for some though it was softening up quickly.

Then the Big Dig part II began: re-landscaping the backyard after the geothermal system was added.

An endless sea of weeds:

Then the sod truck arrived. This was one of many:

All flattened out:

The future pear alle

Then other friends of ours got a new puppy named Gauge:

I took some photos of other friends:

Then we had a 8 week drought: barely 5 mm's of rain in two months. We spent every waking hour watering the new lawn. Honestly, it was indescribably exhausting but it was either that or lose the lawn we had just put in. Its establishing nicely though. Thankfully, we didn't have to spend a penny on water since it all came from our well which taps in to the aqua duct that runs beneath the property. So we ran the sprinklers with abandon.

And now we're back inside the house repairing plaster walls and getting ready to paint in preparation for visitors in October which we're very much looking forward to.

More photos to come.