Friday, July 10, 2009


Here I am in Yellowknife! A place I never dreamt of traveling to but am so glad that I did. I've been trying to get out to take pictures every evening after work. Here are a few preliminary images from this truly beautiful place:

The ravens here are astonishingly large and frightening. In size, they easily rival Zoe.

My hosts for the week, Dan and Lori, have taken me to lots of beautiful locations to shoot photos. These two were taken at a 'graveyard' of sorts for old mining equipment that is set up like an improvised outdoor museum. The colours and patterns that you can find are amazing. The problem is that its located around swamps and the mosquitos literally swarmed us by the hundreds landing continually on our hands, lips, eyes . . . anything exposed.

This is an abandoned gold mine. Sadly, mining development has decreased 85% since the 'economic downturn' I suppose its being called. All well and fine unless you live in a community focussed on one of the most affected industries.

This tower is now home to a colony of the previously mentioned ravens. They seem to enjoy the scale of the accommodations; proportional to their own.

This little flower grows wild absolutely everywhere. It grows like a desert wildflower on rocks or wherever it can gain a foot hold. The blooms are extremely tiny. Only on close examination do they reveal their colour and beauty.

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