Saturday, December 18, 2010

One more kid pic...

My favourite kid of all!

A couple more from the wedding

Little red velvet beauties:


Me showing off my incompetence with flash:

Kid Pics

This is my first attempt at using the natural light in the house for photography. Children are so challenging to photograph! I don't think I have a future in children's photography.

This little one was SO shy. She wouldn't let me come anywhere near her with the camera. We were fast friends towards the end of the visit though, so perhaps next time. She made friends with Zoe though after sharing her chicken spring rolls with her.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

My first wedding

Not mine personally, but the wedding of some friends. I was exceedingly nervous about taking this on, but ultimately it was a lot of fun and it was great to help out some wonderful people.